16. März | Pre-Networking Abendveranstaltung
17.-18. März | Konferenz, Ausstellung & B2B-Matchmaking, AM Touren
Boosting AM applications in industrial production
Unter diesem Motto ist das 2-tägige englischsprachige Konferenzprogramm entlang der folgenden Themenschwerpunkte gruppiert:
Starting with AM
Volume and series production
Politics, standards and ecosystems
Special Networking Opportunities
Pre-Event Empfang 16.03. | 18.00-22.00
Beginnen Sie schon am Vorabend mit dem Networking, noch bevor die Veranstaltung überhaupt begonnen hat! Lassen Sie sich das Pre-Event @Hotel Adlon Berlin nicht entgehen!
Mehr Infos
AM Touren 18.03. | 15.00-17.30
Runden Sie Ihren Konferenzbesuch ab mit einer Exkursion. Werfen Sie einen Blick in die Standorte von Gefertec, Quantica, der BAM oder das BWM Motorradwerk Berlin.
Mehr Infos
Women in AM Luncheon 17.03. | 12.00-14.00
Lassen Sie sich inspirieren von anderen weiblichen AM-Expertinnen und Führungskräften und vernetzen Sie sich in exklusiver Atmosphäre untereinander!
Mehr Infos
Day 1 | Monday, March 17, 2025
Main Stage
- 08.00 - 09.00
Check-in, morning coffee and networking in the exhibition
Estrel Congress Center, Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin Estrel Congress Center, Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin - 09.00 - 09.20
Welcome and networking kick-off
Daniel Wäldchen
Member of the Executive Board, IPM AGDaniel Wäldchen
Member of the Executive Board, IPM AG - 09.20 - 09.40
Starting with AM
KEYNOTE | Q&A How AM fundametally transforms our design and production processes
- 09.40 - 10.00
Volume and series production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | CONSUMER GOODSAdditive Manufacturing at scale – AM for consumer goods: The case of The LEGO Group
Ronen Hadar
Senior Director - Additive Design & Manufacturing, The LEGO GroupRonen Hadar
Senior Director - Additive Design & Manufacturing, The LEGO Group - 10.00 - 10.40
Politics, standards and ecosystems
PANEL DISCUSSION | Q&A | CROSS-INDUSTRYBoosting AM series application: European R&D and funding programs in the global race
Mans Lindberg
Policy Officer, European CommissionMans Lindberg
Policy Officer, European CommissionDr. Mohsen Seifi
Vice President, Global Advanced Manufacturing Programs, ASTM InternationalDr. Mohsen Seifi
Vice President, Global Advanced Manufacturing Programs, ASTM InternationalJohannes Siegert
eXpert Direct Manufacturing Technologies, Airbus Helicopters DeutschlandJohannes Siegert
eXpert Direct Manufacturing Technologies, Airbus Helicopters DeutschlandModeration: Prof. Dr. Christian Seidel
Professor & Head of Smart Manufacturing Lab, Munich UniversityModeration: Prof. Dr. Christian Seidel
Professor & Head of Smart Manufacturing Lab, Munich University - 10.40 - 11.20
Coffee break | Networking in the exhibition
- 11.20 - 11.55
Volume and series production
IMPULSE PANEL | Q&A | TRANSPORTThe potential super user industry public transport: Status quo and demands for the next years
Dr. Claire Blanchard
Direction digital et innovation | Responsable programme innovation fabrication additive, RATP GroupDr. Claire Blanchard
Direction digital et innovation | Responsable programme innovation fabrication additive, RATP GroupFranziska Dietrich
Engineer, Wiener LinienFranziska Dietrich
Engineer, Wiener LinienDr. Lorenzo Gasparoni
Schematics & Apparatus Leader - 3D Printing Senior Expert, AlstomDr. Lorenzo Gasparoni
Schematics & Apparatus Leader - 3D Printing Senior Expert, AlstomModeration: Stefanie Brickwede
Managing Director, Mobility goes Additive e.V.Moderation: Stefanie Brickwede
Managing Director, Mobility goes Additive e.V. - 11.55 - 12.15
Volume and series production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | DEFENSEAdditive Manufacturing for defense applications – Mission (im)possible?
Dr. Jens Holtmannspoetter
Branch Head of Materials, Structures, Engineering, BundeswehrDr. Jens Holtmannspoetter
Branch Head of Materials, Structures, Engineering, Bundeswehr - 12.15 - 12.35
Volume and series production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | DEFENSE AM for defense – An OEM perspective
Dr. Philip Evegren
Technical Manager, Aeronautics Center for Additive Manufacturing, SAABDr. Philip Evegren
Technical Manager, Aeronautics Center for Additive Manufacturing, SAAB - 12.35 - 12.45
Volume and series production
PRESENTATION | Q&A | TRANSPORT Reinventing roller coasters – Using an end-to-end metal AM process to improve boogies for roller coaster trains
Dr. Simone Bernardini
CTO, EAE Extreme Analyses Engineering s.r.l.Dr. Simone Bernardini
CTO, EAE Extreme Analyses Engineering s.r.l.
in cooperation with
in cooperation with - 12.00 - 14.00
Inspiring Talks, Networking & Lunch | Room Paris
Women in AM Luncheon: 50+ female AM leaders meet and discuss
Impulse Talk Brigitte de Vet-Veithen
CEO, MaterialiseImpulse Talk Brigitte de Vet-Veithen
CEO, Materialise - 12.45 - 13.40
Lunch break | Networking in the exhibition
- 13.40 - 14.00
Volume and series production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | ENERGY Serial production of gas turbine components: From material and process development to quality control and cost optimization
Dr. Sebastian Piegert
Global Function Lead Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Siemens EnergyDr. Sebastian Piegert
Global Function Lead Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Siemens Energy - 14.00 - 15.00
Volume and series production
IMPULSE SESSION | Q&A | CROSS-INDUSTRYAM meets AI - what to expect?
Moderation: Sven Krause
SK ConsultingModeration: Sven Krause
SK ConsultingFrom 3D scan to personalized 3D printed shoe Marc Schoemann
CTO, ZellerfeldFrom 3D scan to personalized 3D printed shoe Marc Schoemann
CTO, ZellerfeldDr. Matthias Brueck
Head of Department Virtualization, Fraunhofer IAPTDr. Matthias Brueck
Head of Department Virtualization, Fraunhofer IAPTHow AI copilots are enabling the AM industry scaling: Case studies Omar Fergani
Founder & CEO, 1000 KelvinHow AI copilots are enabling the AM industry scaling: Case studies Omar Fergani
Founder & CEO, 1000 KelvinHeiko Witte
Managing Director, Chesco GmbH / Center for Hybrid-Electric Systems CottbusHeiko Witte
Managing Director, Chesco GmbH / Center for Hybrid-Electric Systems CottbusSmart manufacturing with AI: Achieving reliable, stable and scalable batch-size-one production Lars Windels
Managing Director PLM, SWMS Systemtechnik Ingenieurgesellschaft mbHSmart manufacturing with AI: Achieving reliable, stable and scalable batch-size-one production Lars Windels
Managing Director PLM, SWMS Systemtechnik Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH - 15.00 - 15.30
Coffee break | Networking in the exhibition
- 15.30 - 17.00
No main stage presentations
- 17.00 - 17.30
Coffee break | Networking in the exhibition
- 17.30 - 17.45
Volume and series production
EXPERT INTERVIEW | Q&A | CROSS-INDUSTRYDriving innovation in material solutions for Additive Manufacturing
Colin Hautz
CEO, ArcelorMittal PowdersColin Hautz
CEO, ArcelorMittal PowdersAlexandre Tartas
HP Global Head of GTM Metal 3D Printing , HP Inc.Alexandre Tartas
HP Global Head of GTM Metal 3D Printing , HP Inc. - 17.45 - 18.05
Volume and series production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | AUTOMOTIVE How IT projects fail in Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Joel Bachmann
Project Lead Digitalisation, Additive Manufacturing Campus, BMW GroupDr. Joel Bachmann
Project Lead Digitalisation, Additive Manufacturing Campus, BMW GroupStefanus Bosch
Head of Additive Manufacturing Predevelopment and Planning, BMW GroupStefanus Bosch
Head of Additive Manufacturing Predevelopment and Planning, BMW Group - 18.05 - 18.25
Starting with AM
KEYNOTE | Q&A | AUTOMOTIVEMaking C-Level and society aware: Moving AM from a hidden technology into a mainstream topic
Juergen Jenner
Director Prototyping, MANN+HUMMEL GmbHJuergen Jenner
Director Prototyping, MANN+HUMMEL GmbH - 18.25 - 18.45
Volume and series production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | AUTOMOTIVEFrom racetrack to road: How Additive Manufacturing transforms mobility through motorsport
Marcel Voigt
General Manager Design & Production, Toyota Gazoo RacingMarcel Voigt
General Manager Design & Production, Toyota Gazoo RacingFriedemann Lell Friedemann Lell - 18.45 - 22.00
AFTER WORK PARTYEvening reception in the exhibition with flying dinner, cocktails, music and networking
Expert Stage
- 11.20 - 12.20
Expert Stage [parallel session]
PRESENTATIONSAMBER [Additive Manufacturing in Berlin-Brandenburg] project presentations
Moderation: Leon Tillmann
Manager Manufacturing Industries, AMBER Coordination and Innovation Support, Berlin Partner for Business and TechnologyModeration: Leon Tillmann
Manager Manufacturing Industries, AMBER Coordination and Innovation Support, Berlin Partner for Business and TechnologyProject 1: optiMAL - Optimization of manufacturing processes for additive laser applications Dr. Katharina Eissing
Founder & CTO, 1000 KelvinProject 1: optiMAL - Optimization of manufacturing processes for additive laser applications Dr. Katharina Eissing
Founder & CTO, 1000 KelvinProject 2: MikroG - Ultra-compact production cell for filament-based manufacturing of metallic/ceramic components under microgravity conditions Leighton Clague
Project Engineer, R&D Additive Manufacturing, XERION BERLIN LABORATORIES GmbHProject 2: MikroG - Ultra-compact production cell for filament-based manufacturing of metallic/ceramic components under microgravity conditions Leighton Clague
Project Engineer, R&D Additive Manufacturing, XERION BERLIN LABORATORIES GmbHYassin Saber
Research Associate, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)Yassin Saber
Research Associate, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)Project 3: ESAF - Development of an integrative satellite structure through the use of additive manufacturing processes Alejandro Cervantes Herrera
Lead Mechanical Engineer, Reflex Aerospace GmbHProject 3: ESAF - Development of an integrative satellite structure through the use of additive manufacturing processes Alejandro Cervantes Herrera
Lead Mechanical Engineer, Reflex Aerospace GmbHDr. Tim Lantzsch
Head of Department - Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology ILTDr. Tim Lantzsch
Head of Department - Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology ILTProject 4 – SAMBA - Efficient additive manufacturing of aluminum at peak absorption using a compact 1 kW diode laser module emitting at 780nm Dr. Paul Crump
Head of Photonics Lab, High-Power Diode Lasers, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH, Leibniz-Institut fuer HoechstfrequenztechnikProject 4 – SAMBA - Efficient additive manufacturing of aluminum at peak absorption using a compact 1 kW diode laser module emitting at 780nm Dr. Paul Crump
Head of Photonics Lab, High-Power Diode Lasers, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH, Leibniz-Institut fuer HoechstfrequenztechnikProject 5 – MultiCarb3DBeton - New insights into 3D printing of concrete with fibre reinforcement Prof. Dietmar Stephan
Head of Chair of Building Physics and Building Constructions, Technical University BerlinProject 5 – MultiCarb3DBeton - New insights into 3D printing of concrete with fibre reinforcement Prof. Dietmar Stephan
Head of Chair of Building Physics and Building Constructions, Technical University Berlin - 12.50 - 13.40
Expert Stage [parallel session]
TECH TALKSExhibitors present latest innovations
Moderation: Stefan Ritt
Lecturer, Technical University of Luebeck & AMUG DinoModeration: Stefan Ritt
Lecturer, Technical University of Luebeck & AMUG DinoMaterials by recipe: Powder kit for more flexibility and material diversity in 3D printing Michael Norda
Project Manager Additive Manufacturing, Fraunhofer IFAMMaterials by recipe: Powder kit for more flexibility and material diversity in 3D printing Michael Norda
Project Manager Additive Manufacturing, Fraunhofer IFAMSafe filtration of condensates in metal powder bed fusion Maximilian Roesch
Technical Sales Engineer for Additive Manufacturing, Herding GmbH FiltertechnikSafe filtration of condensates in metal powder bed fusion Maximilian Roesch
Technical Sales Engineer for Additive Manufacturing, Herding GmbH FiltertechnikIndustrial innovation through Additive Manufacturing technologies Mario Martínez Ceniceros
Head of applications, AIDIMMEIndustrial innovation through Additive Manufacturing technologies Mario Martínez Ceniceros
Head of applications, AIDIMMETalk Dr. Nicolai Lammert
Managing Director, Yizumi Germany GmbHTalk Dr. Nicolai Lammert
Managing Director, Yizumi Germany GmbH - 15.15 - 15.45
Expert Stage [parallel session]
PANEL | Q&A | DEFENSEThe role of AM in defense logistics
Moderation: Stephan Beyer Moderation: Stephan Beyer - 15.50 - 17.00
Expert Stage [parallel session]
TECH TALKSExhibitors present latest innovations
Moderation: Stefan Ritt
Lecturer, Technical University of Luebeck & AMUG DinoModeration: Stefan Ritt
Lecturer, Technical University of Luebeck & AMUG DinoClosed loop powder handling in Additive Manufacturing Manuel Henser
Senior Expert Advanced Solutions, Volkmann GmbHClosed loop powder handling in Additive Manufacturing Manuel Henser
Senior Expert Advanced Solutions, Volkmann GmbHRevolutionizing post-processing in metal 3D printing: Boosting efficiency and flexibility Jessica Parrilla
Product Manager, ANDREAS MAIER GMBH & CO. KGRevolutionizing post-processing in metal 3D printing: Boosting efficiency and flexibility Jessica Parrilla
Product Manager, ANDREAS MAIER GMBH & CO. KGManaging AM-supported supply chains: Insights from the semiconductor industry Gregor Reischle
CEO, Qualified AM GmbHManaging AM-supported supply chains: Insights from the semiconductor industry Gregor Reischle
CEO, Qualified AM GmbHSinter-based additive manufacturing of titan components Dr. David Gerbert
Division Manager Additive Manufacturing, MIMplus Technologies GmbH & Co. KGSinter-based additive manufacturing of titan components Dr. David Gerbert
Division Manager Additive Manufacturing, MIMplus Technologies GmbH & Co. KGTalk Georg Boedler
CEO, INKATRONIC GmbHTalk Georg Boedler
CEO, INKATRONIC GmbHMetal powders for Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam and Binder Jetting, with a focus on grades suitable mould tooling Dr. Paul Davis
Business Development Manager, INDO MIMMetal powders for Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam and Binder Jetting, with a focus on grades suitable mould tooling Dr. Paul Davis
Business Development Manager, INDO MIMHow to achieve consistent quality and fast ROI with LPBF Enis Jost
Deputy General Manager, Eplus3D Tech GmbHHow to achieve consistent quality and fast ROI with LPBF Enis Jost
Deputy General Manager, Eplus3D Tech GmbH
Workshops & Small Groups
- 12.00 - 14.00
Inspiring Talks, Networking & Lunch | Room Paris
Women in AM Luncheon: 50+ female AM leaders meet and discuss
Impulse Talk Brigitte de Vet
CEO, MaterialiseImpulse Talk Brigitte de Vet
CEO, Materialise - 15.30 - 17.00
Working Session [parallel session]
WORKSHOP #1Applying AM to the factory floor
Christoph Voelcker
Teamleader 3D Printing, Würth Elektronik GroupChristoph Voelcker
Teamleader 3D Printing, Würth Elektronik GroupTBA
TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik AGTBA
TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik AGTBA
Hexagon Manufacturing IntelligenceTBA
Hexagon Manufacturing IntelligenceDr. Ole von Seelen
Head of Business Development, trinckle 3D GmbHDr. Ole von Seelen
Head of Business Development, trinckle 3D GmbH - 15.30 - 17.00
Working Session [parallel session]
WORKSHOP #2Failure session - Personal discussions on AM failures
Moderation: Sven Krause
SK ConsultingModeration: Sven Krause
SK ConsultingArvid Eirich
Head of Additive Manufacturing, Deutsche BahnArvid Eirich
Head of Additive Manufacturing, Deutsche BahnBenjamin Haller
Managing Director, AM AcademyBenjamin Haller
Managing Director, AM Academy - 16.00 - 17.00
Exhibition [parallel session]
Day 2 | Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Main Stage
- 08.00 - 09.00
Check-in, morning coffee and networking in the exhibition
Estrel Congress Center, Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin Estrel Congress Center, Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin - 09.00 - 09.10
Day 2 Opening: Recap and market outlook
Sven Krause
Moderator, SK ConsultingSven Krause
Moderator, SK ConsultingMatthias Schmidt-Lehr
Managing Partner, Ampower GmbH & Co. KGMatthias Schmidt-Lehr
Managing Partner, Ampower GmbH & Co. KG - 09.10 - 09.30
Volume and series production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | AEROSPACEBeyond earth: Advancing space technology with metal AM
Dr. Steffen Beyer
Manager of the Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing (CSAM) Factory / Expert Production Processes & Industrialization AM, ArianeGroupDr. Steffen Beyer
Manager of the Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing (CSAM) Factory / Expert Production Processes & Industrialization AM, ArianeGroupJoachim Zettler
Chief Business Officer Metal Solutions, EOS GroupJoachim Zettler
Chief Business Officer Metal Solutions, EOS Group - 09.30 - 09.50
Volume and series production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | AVIATIONDirected Energy Deposition (DED) in serial production for the A350 - Replacing titanium forged parts
Dr. Jan Hoennige
Head of Industrialisation DED, Airbus GroupDr. Jan Hoennige
Head of Industrialisation DED, Airbus GroupHauke Schultz
R&T Roadmap Owner & Head of Industrial Metal AM, Forming & Welding Technology, Airbus GroupHauke Schultz
R&T Roadmap Owner & Head of Industrial Metal AM, Forming & Welding Technology, Airbus Group - 09.50 - 10.30
Automation and volume production
PANEL | Q&A | CROSS-INDUSTRYFuture of design and engineering workflows for advanced part manufacturing
Julia Fröhlich
Director Innovation Hub, HartingJulia Fröhlich
Director Innovation Hub, HartingDr. Jana Kirchheim
Director Manufacturing, MicrosoftDr. Jana Kirchheim
Director Manufacturing, MicrosoftMaximilian Strixner
Senior AM Engineer, The Exploration CompanyMaximilian Strixner
Senior AM Engineer, The Exploration CompanyModeration: Dr. Karsten Heuser
VP Additive Manufacturing, Siemens Digital IndustriesModeration: Dr. Karsten Heuser
VP Additive Manufacturing, Siemens Digital Industries - 10.30 - 11.15
Coffee break | Networking in the exhibition
- 11.15 - 11.50
Politics, standards and ecosystems
IMPULSE PANEL | Q&A | CROSS-INDUSTRYTowards a sustainable economy - the 3d printing impact
Moderation: Sherri Monroe
Executive Director, AMGTA - Additive Manufacturer Green Trade AssociationModeration: Sherri Monroe
Executive Director, AMGTA - Additive Manufacturer Green Trade AssociationSustainable printed lighting at scale Annette Steinbusch
Head of I2M Project Office, Business Unit 3D Printing, Signify myCreationSustainable printed lighting at scale Annette Steinbusch
Head of I2M Project Office, Business Unit 3D Printing, Signify myCreationWhat if every drop counted? Looking at sustainability in inkjet Stefan Hollaender
CEO, QuanticaWhat if every drop counted? Looking at sustainability in inkjet Stefan Hollaender
CEO, Quantica - 11.50 - 12.10
Automation and volume production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | AUTOMOTIVEAchieving reliable quality in highly flexible Metal-AM production at ZF
Dr. Ignacio Lobo-Casanova
Head of SMART Lightweight Process Technologies, ZF GroupDr. Ignacio Lobo-Casanova
Head of SMART Lightweight Process Technologies, ZF GroupDr. Tim Wischeropp
CEO, amsight GmbHDr. Tim Wischeropp
CEO, amsight GmbH - 12.10 - 12.30
Short recharging break
- 12.30 - 12.50
Automation and volume production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGAM meets special machinery: New horizons with metal 3D printing
Dr. Tim Pohl
Director New Technologies & Sustainability , Reifenhauser GroupDr. Tim Pohl
Director New Technologies & Sustainability , Reifenhauser GroupJan-Steffen Hoetter
Director Global Business Development, Lightway GmbHJan-Steffen Hoetter
Director Global Business Development, Lightway GmbH - 12.50 - 13.10
Automation and volume production
KEYNOTE | Q&A | ENERGYCutting downtime in the Oil Industry: How we accelerated high value impeller production from 9 months to 4 weeks
Elvir Murati
Head of Engineering , Howden, Chart IndustriesElvir Murati
Head of Engineering , Howden, Chart IndustriesSebastian Recke
Authorized Representative, GEFERTEC GmbHSebastian Recke
Authorized Representative, GEFERTEC GmbH - 13.10 - 13.40
3d printing innovations
OUTLOOK SESSION | PANEL | CROSS-INDUSTRYEmerging AM technologies and game-changing applications in the next few years
Moderation: Dr. Chongliang Zhong
Head of Department Additive Manufacturing, Fraunhofer IFAMModeration: Dr. Chongliang Zhong
Head of Department Additive Manufacturing, Fraunhofer IFAMBart van der Schueren
CTO & EVP, MaterialiseBart van der Schueren
CTO & EVP, MaterialiseWill Richardson
CEO, Wayland AdditiveWill Richardson
CEO, Wayland AdditiveOmer Sagi
VP Products & Business Development, TritoneOmer Sagi
VP Products & Business Development, Tritone - 13.40 - 15.00
Farewell lunch and networking
- 15.00 - 17.30
EXCURSIONS | Q&A 4 AM tours through Berlin to inspiring 3d printing sites in the capital
Expert Stage
- 11.00 - 11.50
Expert Stage [parallel session]
EOS M300 as the heart of the QI living lab: Advancing with digital process chains Dr. Kai Hilgenberg
Head of Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Components, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)EOS M300 as the heart of the QI living lab: Advancing with digital process chains Dr. Kai Hilgenberg
Head of Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Components, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)Dr. Tina Schlingmann
Regional Director EMEA, EOS GmbHDr. Tina Schlingmann
Regional Director EMEA, EOS GmbHAdditive Manufacturing design potentials for vehicle conception Daniel Fuchs
Project Lead Design for Additive Manufacturing, Volkswagen AGAdditive Manufacturing design potentials for vehicle conception Daniel Fuchs
Project Lead Design for Additive Manufacturing, Volkswagen AGFrom push to pull – Latest research on platform ecosystem adopter strategies Job van de Sande
Head of Engineering, ERIKSFrom push to pull – Latest research on platform ecosystem adopter strategies Job van de Sande
Head of Engineering, ERIKS - 11.50 - 12.10
Expert Stage [parallel session]
PRESENTATIONS | Q&AMarket spotlights: What's happening in Turkey and Kazakhstan?
The Turkish AM Market Davut Basaran
Managing Director, Basaran TeknolojiThe Turkish AM Market Davut Basaran
Managing Director, Basaran TeknolojiAdditive Manufacturing in Kazakhstan Aliya Akatayeva
Managing Director on Science and Innovation, Satbayev UniversityAdditive Manufacturing in Kazakhstan Aliya Akatayeva
Managing Director on Science and Innovation, Satbayev University - 12.30 - 13.40
Expert Stage [parallel session]
TECH TALKSExhibitors present latest innovations
Quality by design: Leveraging process simulation for a competitive edge Dr. Marcin Serdeczny
Senior CFD Engineer, Flow Science Inc.Quality by design: Leveraging process simulation for a competitive edge Dr. Marcin Serdeczny
Senior CFD Engineer, Flow Science Inc.Molten metal printing with the GMP300 Dr. Johannes Glasschröder
Team Leader AM, GROB-WERKE GmbH & Co. KGMolten metal printing with the GMP300 Dr. Johannes Glasschröder
Team Leader AM, GROB-WERKE GmbH & Co. KGDeployable Metal AM for industrial integration with MMD Dr. Jonas Galle
CEO, ValCunDeployable Metal AM for industrial integration with MMD Dr. Jonas Galle
CEO, ValCunNew high performing stainles stress for Additive Manufacturing Marten Franz
Head of Powder Business, OutokumpuNew high performing stainles stress for Additive Manufacturing Marten Franz
Head of Powder Business, Outokumpu
Deep Dives
- 11.00 - 11.45
Working Session [parallel session]
DEEP DIVE #1 | Q&A Future of AM: Process innovations for multiple applications
Joerg Hamann
Process Engineer Metal, EOS GmbHJoerg Hamann
Process Engineer Metal, EOS GmbHTino Pfalz
Process Engineer Metal, EOS GmbHTino Pfalz
Process Engineer Metal, EOS GmbH - 11.45 - 12.30
Working Session [parallel session]
DEEP DIVE #2 | Q&A Innovating Fire Safety: Exploring HP’s new PA12 FR and applications
Fabian Schuster
Application Engineer, HP 3DFabian Schuster
Application Engineer, HP 3D - 12.30 - 13.00
Working Session [parallel session]
DEEP DIVE #3 | Q&A In-process monitoring as an enabler for L-PBF serial production
Isabelle Hachette
CEO, Interspectral ABIsabelle Hachette
CEO, Interspectral ABPhilip Sperling
Customer Account Manager, Interspectral ABPhilip Sperling
Customer Account Manager, Interspectral AB
4 AM tours through Berlin to inspiring 3d printing sites in the capital
- 14.30 - 14.45
Meeting point & check-in for the tours: Conference counter
Estrel Congress Center, Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin
Only included in All Access tickets. Pre-registration is neccessary.
Busses leave at 3.00 pm.Estrel Congress Center, Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin
Only included in All Access tickets. Pre-registration is neccessary.
Busses leave at 3.00 pm. - 15.00 - 17.30
EXCURSIONS | Q&A AM Tour 1: Gefertec
Visit to GEFERTEC - Insights in large volume metal printing using WAAM Visit to GEFERTEC - Insights in large volume metal printing using WAAM - 15.00 - 17.30
EXCURSIONS | Q&A AM Tour 2: Quantica
Breaking Viscosity Barriers - Quantica’s Advanced Inkjet Technology Tour Breaking Viscosity Barriers - Quantica’s Advanced Inkjet Technology Tour - 15.00 - 17.30
EXCURSIONS | Q&A AM Tour 3: BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Visit to BAM | German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing - Comprehensive expertise and excellent research infrastructure Visit to BAM | German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing - Comprehensive expertise and excellent research infrastructure - 15.00 - 17.30
EXCURSIONS | Q&A AM Tour 4: BMW Group Plant Berlin - BMW Motorradwerk
Experience the production of the legendary BMW motorcycles up close, including a look inside the Rapid Prototyping Center Experience the production of the legendary BMW motorcycles up close, including a look inside the Rapid Prototyping Center